If you've ever been wary about so much as sticking your toes in the water at the beach, or have found yourself unable to sit through a screening of Jaws without covering your eyes, you're not alone. According to a 2015 poll from market research company Ipsos, 51 percent of Americans say they're scared of sharks and 38 percent admit they're so terrified of the toothy animals that they're afraid to set foot in the ocean.
Luckily, that fear isn't nearly as justified as many imagine. According to The International Shark Attack File, there were just 66 unprovoked shark attacks worldwide in 2018. To put that into perspective, you're more likely to be harmed or killed by a cow, according to a 2018 review of research published in Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. Still not convinced that sharks are nothing to fear? We'll let these friendly shark photos do the talking.

While you may hear more about great whites and makos, the cat shark is actually the biggest shark family in the ocean, with more than 100 species. And its stunning skin will leave you more impressed than scared.

While adult nurse sharks can be found in depths of up to 250 feet, juvenile nurse sharks, like this growing guy, tend to stick to shallower water, frequently keeping themselves hidden in coral reefs.

Nurse sharks are thought to be among the most docile sharks, and frequently allow humans to swim near them or pet them.

Whale sharks are one of the top two largest shark species (the others are basking sharks). The good news? Both are filter feeders that eat fish eggs and other tiny organisms, not people.

Whale sharks can reach lengths of up to 40 feet, but they're also some of the most friendly sharks out there, as this photo of a woman next to one proves!

Though approaching a shark alone in the water is never wise, whale sharks are frequently fine having humans tag along with them for a swim.

Of course a baby shark is going to look tame when compared to full-grown adults. But even when he grows up, this little hammerhead isn't anything to be scared of.

According to the International Shark File, hammerheads have been responsible for exactly zero confirmed human fatalities. They're among the 20 shark species (out of 33) that can make that claim to fame!

Think 40 weeks is a long time to be pregnant? For bull sharks, pregnancy can last 11 months! And this soon-to-be mommy shark (doo doo doo doo doo doo) is just trying to get comfortable.

These baby sharks couldn't be less interested in this bird wading into the water, proof that these creatures aren't always on the hunt.

While we wouldn't recommend this at home—er, in the ocean—this bikini-clad woman is just standing in the water with a handful of sharks, who seem to be as calm as can be!

What do humans and angelsharks have in common? Spinal problems, if you'd believe it! According to a 2017 article in the Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, angelsharks are frequently plagued by scoliosis. Doesn't that make you feel their plight?

Tiger sharks are held in high regard in many parts of the world. In fact, according to Hawaii Magazine, tiger sharks are often thought to be family guardians, or aumakua, ancestors who have been reincarnated in animal form to safeguard future generations. It's hard to be scared about such a sweet sentiment.

This Port Jackson shark, according to the Florida Museum, is "harmless." But not if looks could kill with that mustache!

This large-tooth sawfish, captured at Cairns Aquarium in Australia, is greatly endangered—so much so that the aquarium released this sawfish and the other they had into the ocean in 2018. Though it's also known as a carpenter shark, this creature is actually a ray and not technically a shark. But he just looked too smiley to resist! And for more fascinating facts about the waters of the world, check out these 33 Mind-Blowing Facts About the Earth's Oceans.
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