1. What abilities do Oathbreaker Paladins lose?
If a paladin has broken their oath they lose the following abilities: Spellcasting, Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Aura of Protection, Aura of Courage, Cleansing Touch, and any Oath features.
2. Can Oathbreaker still smite in BG3?
Yes, the Oathbreaker Paladin in BG3 can still smite. They have the ability to use two Smite spells (Searing and Branding), giving them a significant advantage in offensive play.
3. Can an Oathbreaker paladin have a God?
In the Forgotten Realms, only gods can grant power to paladins. An Oathbreaker paladin can choose what god they serve. Changing gods, usually from a good to an evil one, can be described as oathbreaking.
4. What can an Oathbreaker paladin do?
Oathbreaker Paladins have access to features such as Steeping an enemy in darkness, causing damage over time and giving advantage to attack rolls against the target. They also have the ability to gain control over undead creatures with their Oathbreaker powers.
5. What is the downside of Oathbreaker?
The downside of becoming an Oathbreaker Paladin is the loss of all original subclass features. However, they gain the Spiteful Suffering and Dreadful Aspect abilities in exchange. It is also possible to pay a fee of 2000 gold to restore the original class features.
6. Who is the most powerful paladin?
In World of Warcraft, the most powerful paladins are ranked as follows: Ullr, Turalyon, Tirion Fordring, Uther the Lightbringer, Yrel, Arthas Menethil, Bolvar Fordragon, Alexandros Morgraine, and Maraad.
7. Do Oathbreaker Paladins still have smite?
As an Oathbreaker, the paladin replaces their original subclass features, including Divine Smite, with Oathbreaker features. However, at the DM’s discretion, they may gain modified versions of Lay on Hands and Unholy Smite before reaching 3rd level.
8. Can you play a good Oathbreaker paladin?
No, playing a good Oathbreaker Paladin is generally not possible. Oathbreakers are unrepentant antipaladins who have sworn themselves to a dark power. The Oathbreaker subclass is meant for characters pursuing a darker path or seeking redemption after breaking their oath.
9. Why would a paladin become an Oathbreaker?
A paladin may become an Oathbreaker if they want to break free from the path of their oath or if they have committed some act that breaks their sacred oaths. This choice will cause them to lose their oath-related abilities but gain new abilities and dialogue options.
10. Can an Oathbreaker paladin heal?
Yes, an Oathbreaker paladin can still use their healing abilities. They retain all the traits, abilities, and spells they had as a regular paladin, including lay on hands and the ability to heal themselves and others.
11. Can an Oathbreaker paladin take a new oath?
It is possible, with the DM’s permission, for an Oathbreaker paladin to atone and become a true paladin again. In this case, the player may select a different deity or sacred oath than the character had previously.
12. Can a paladin heal himself?
Yes, a paladin can heal themselves using their lay on hands ability. Lay