Use the magic wands in ‘ACNH’ to easily transform your look in seconds! Here’s a guide to registering outfits to your wand in the game.

It’s legitimately difficult to choose just one favorite part of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Obviously, different things will appeal to different players. Some love trying to grow all of the hybrid flowers. Some love focusing on decorating their house. Some just want to fish all day.
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Many people love all of the clothing options in the game. There really is something for everyone, whether you feel like wearing a princess dress with rain boots or a goatee and a toga. There’s virtually no limit to the fashion decisions each ACNH player can make. The various magic wands in the game make it easier than ever to change up your look, but in order to use them, you have to know how to register an outfit to them. Here’s how to do it.
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Here’s how to register an outfit in ‘ACNH.’
In order to register outfits to a wand, you’re first going to need a wand (duh). There are several wands within the game and they all function the same way — the only difference is in their appearance. By the way, in order to build a wand from a DIY recipe, you’re going to need some star fragments!
Head to a wardrobe or dresser in your house (or any other usable storage unit — a fridge also works, weirdly). Tap A in front of the wardrobe, then select “Edit wand outfits.” From there, you’ll be taken to a menu that shows every outfit you have registered with your wand. Select one of the outfit spaces, then select either “Create Outfit” or “Register Current Clothes.”
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If you choose “Create Outfit,” it will open up a menu of every clothing item you have, either in storage or in your pockets. Select the items you want for your wand outfit, then hit the + button. You’ll then be able to name your outfit whatever you want. If you choose “Register Current Clothes,” then you’ll be taken right to the menu to give your current outfit a name.
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Ta-da! You can register up to eight wand outfits that will all be available to put on whenever you use one of your wands. With a little bit of planning, you’ll be ready for just about any event Animal Crossing throws at you.
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Here are some things to remember about wand outfits.
There are a couple of things that are a little tricky about wand outfits. First of all, each piece of clothing can only be used in one wand outfit. So, if you need that monocle for two wand outfits, make sure you buy two of ‘em (order any extras from your Nook Shopping catalog!). Secondly, you cannot register hairstyles as part of a wand outfit — but you can register wigs!
Third (and the most annoying, in our opinion), if something is part of a wand outfit, it’s only available as part of a wand outfit. In other words, you can’t wear it unless you’re wearing the entire wand outfit.
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One other tricky detail about wand outfits is that you’re not technically wearing the clothes. The game describes them as a “transformation,” meaning your character is still actually wearing whatever they were wearing before you put on a wand outfit, it just looks like they’re wearing the wand outfit (confusing, we know). That means you also can’t edit any part of the wand outfit while you’re wearing it (but you can easily edit it using that same wardrobe menu).
All of the tricky details aside, registering outfits in ACNH is honestly super fun, as is showing off all of your outfits to any friends who come to visit your island. You could even host a fashion show where everyone gets to show off their wand outfits!