Nicki Minaj was at the carnival in Trinidad with her hubby, Kenneth Petty these past days. She made sure to flaunt her amazing curvy body in a gorgeous costume.
Nicki shared a bunch of pics and videos on her social media account that had fans in awe.
Now, the Shade Room revealed that Nicki donated an important amount of money, and her army of Barbz is really proud of her initiative.
Here are more details coming from TSR below.
TSR writes that the rapper is currently visiting her home island of Trinidad and Tobago.
‘She recently participated in some of the carnival festivities, but aside from that, she is also giving back in a major way,’ TSR writes.
It’s been also revealed that on Thursday, she made a visit to the St. Jude’s Home for Girls. Nicki gave the young ladies some advice and encouragement, and she also revealed the fact that she is donating $25,000.
She said the following, according to TSR: ‘I came to get ideas and you guys gave me a lot of great ideas on creating a building here in Trinidad where young people can go to and have recreational fun.’
Unfortunately, a lot of haters threw shade at Nicki for not donating more.
For instance, someone said: ‘She brags about her Chanel purses yet she can’t give 400 thousand 😩?’ but a lot of her diehard fans jumped in Nicki’s defense.
Someone said: ‘Nicki has such a great heart. I’ll never understand the hate she gets, but ppl hate what’s great. She’s so well-spoken and always guides her fans in the right direction. She loves her fans unconditionally. I’ll forever love this woman. ken makes her happy as well, so we will stan him too‼️’
A follower posted this: ‘She donated more then what a lot of y’all are making a year that are hating.’
One other commenter posted this: ‘I’m sorry, but if y’all make something negative out of this generous deed she did, y’all are truly sick.’
Nicki’s fans are always here when it comes to showing their Queen support.