Don’t freak out because T.I. is not doing anything wrong. He posed with a bunch of gorgeous ladies, including his wife, Tiny Harris.
They are Tip and Tiny’s pals as you will see in the photo and they continue to celebrate the life of Tip’s sister, Precious Harris.
‘Who’s the lucky man😜’ Tiny captioned the photo with Tip and the lovely ladies.
Someone commented ‘@troubleman31 Mrs. Harris @majorgirl said they need to stay outta grown folks business then!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂’
Another follower praised every single lady in the photo and said: ‘This is one time where I can’t say no one looks better than the other. All of these ladies are fine.’
Someone else also gushed over the crew and wrote this: ‘My black people looking so amazingly BEAUTIFUL .. I’m sooooo I love with my blackness so very happy to be black. ❤️ 🎉🎉’
Another supporter posted: ‘Black unity I think of when I see this pic boss ladies and a 👑 stay blessed 🙃, ‘ and one other fan told Tiny, ‘@majorgirl I swear I do the same thing to my husband and he says the same thing about our children lol awww I love my husband so much too Queen.’
Tiny posted another photo, and we can also see her daughter, Zonique Pullins in this one. Here’s how she captioned it:
‘We still celebrating My Girl @preciousharris1913 life still! We love & miss her… Real family affair! #FamilyFirst #FamilyHustle. 🙏🏽👑😇’
A follower commented ‘Because of the love that you all shared with Precious Harris she will live Forever!!! Love is Eternal even Into Infinity ♾ 👑🖤🙏🏽😇👑!!! Peace and Comfort be with you all!!’
The whole family was crushed when Precious died, but they have been trying to cope with the pain for her sake.
Tip’s family, friends, and fans were here for him, and their followers and fans have been flooding his social media with countless of kind words and prayers.
But at one point, it seems that his actions made some fans feel disrespected by him and they didn’t understand his attitude.