Brady Larson, a full-time Derby driver from Valley City, North Dakota, tragically passed away after sustaining injuries in a car accident. While the details of the crash were unknown, a friend on social media revealed that Larson died in a shop accident on August 17, 2023.
As per his obituary on Interstim, Brady Larson, who had an unbridled passion for cars, was a Valley City, North Dakota, native. He was also reportedly engaged to Brianna Shockman shortly before he was tragically killed in the car accident.
As the Valley City community mourned the loss of the beloved Derby driver, authorities have yet to disclose salient details about the crash that killed Larson on Thursday.
Online community mourns the loss of beloved North Dakota derby driver Brady Larson
On the heels of Brady Larson’s death, multiple people took to social media to pay their respect to the late derby driver, who was killed in a car accident on Thursday, August 17. Larson, who attended Valley City High School before graduating from North Dakota State College of Science, was celebrated online for his singular passion as a race driver.
A friend of the late driver said that Brady was dedicated to his craft and earned every win out on the track. The post read:
“The derby world feels a little less bright today. When I heard the news of Brady’s passing I was in disbelief. Brady Larson had a tremendous effect on this community.. and he will never be forgotten."The post added:
"He is truly going to be missed by so many. my heart goes out to Bri, his family, and friends that loved him so dearly! rest easy 110, a legend.”While another friend described Larson as a brother, who was always kind to people around him.
“Brady Larson treated me like a little brother. Invited to help build cars, go to the lake, and ride to derby’s with him. You’ll be greatly missed 110.”Another social media user extended condolence to the late race driver’s family while mourning the devastating loss. He said:
“My thoughts and prayers go out to the Larson family in this time of need! Didn't know Brady well but from what I did know he was a great guy that gone way too soon! Much love to all my derby family from coast to coast, hold your loved ones tight tonight! RIP Brady Larson. Hopefully I get the pleasure of knowing you in the next lifetime!”Austin Johnson, who works as a demolition derby driver, recalled meeting Larson and described him as a self-assured and level-headed individual. He said:
“The derby world lost another great one way too soon. I wouldn't say I was close to Brady Larson, but came to know him well from all the years in Topeka teaching. He was always pushing areas here and there on the builds but handled himself with such poise and respect in the tech line and that's what sticks out to me. Sir, I would say you have lived more in a lifetime than most of us will experience.”Several others posted the following tributes on Facebook.
In the wake of his passing, the community rallied behind Larson's family. Several people remembered Larson as a skilled driver who lived for the thrill of racing and noted that his legacy would live on forever.
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