Shaquille O'Neal and rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, got into a war of words on Twitter when the latter brought up the former's business partnership with Jamie Salter.
Salter is a Canadian billionaire businessman. He is the founder, CEO and chairman of Authentic Brands Group. It's a brand development and licensing company in the United States.
Jamie Salter is a Toronto native but attended high school in California and college education at Long Beach State University. He eventually graduated after moving back home to Canada, getting transferred and studying at Carleton University in Ottawa. Salter hails from Toronto but currently resides in New York City.

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Kanye West brings up Jamie Salter's partnership with Shaquille O'Neal in a Twitter feud with the latter
Rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, finds himself in a controversy over repeated offenses of making anti-Semitic remarks. Brooklyn Nets superstar Kyrie Irving recently promoted an anti-Semitic film and refused to apologize for his actions.
Ye has since sided with Irving. Shaquille O'Neal went after the latter for his refusal to acknowledge the anti-Semitic content portrayed in the movie he promoted. His unapologetic statements have caused unrest among NBA circles.
O'Neal criticized Irving and called him an "idiot" while ranting about the situation during an appearance on TNT's "Inside the NBA" show, saying:
"It hurts me sometimes when we have to sit up here to talk about stuff that divides the game. Now we got to answer for what this idiot has done.”Ye has been taking jabs at many businessmen. He took note of Shaq's comments, tweeting and stating publicly, stating his dealings with billionaire businessman Jamie Salter. Here's what Ye tweeted:
"Shaq is in business with Jamie Salter Jaimie first said he’s 50/50 with David Beckham and 50/50 with Shaq I said “Jamie . . . There’s no such thing as 50/50 in business . . . Who has the extra 1 percent for the control and voting rights”Shaquille O'Neal didn't hesitate to give it back to the artist. O'Neal flexed his superior net worth to Ye and advised him to get his business back in order.
"Believe me you don’t know me like that, said O'Neal. Worry about your business, and to quote the once great Kanye west “ I got more money than you, so why would i listen to you” take my advice get your family business in order. Have a great day brother."Ye expressed his thoughts in depth regarding this in a follow-up tweet, saying:
"Jamie then said he’s actually got the 51 percent on both those deals. We as the creators and talent get so caught up in our vanity that we don’t read or understand the fine print. Like Dave Chapelle said, we need to stop giving up control over our own names and our likeness."Ye went after Jamie Salter in the process, as he doesn't approve of the latter owning someone else's name. In this case, Shaquille O'Neal.
Jamie Salter and Sports Illustrated
Sports Illustrated is one of the most famous sports magazines in the world. It features iconic moments and athletes on its covers and provides all the gossip about the sports world. Jamie Salter, the founder of ABG, and a co-partner with Shaquille O’Neal has decided to buy the intellectual property of Sports Illustrated from Meredith Corporation for a whopping $110 Million deal.
According to this deal, Meredith Corporation will be paying a licensing fee to operate Sports Illustrated and the website. Jamie Salter intends to expand the brand into various other avenues of sports including eSports. Recently, Bronny James was featured on the cover of the SI magazine for signing with the popular eSport organization, Faze Clan.
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