CM Punk is back in wrestling as an analyst on FOX and has lost none of his ability to create headlines.
While the former WWE champion has not returned as an in-ring performer - yet - he does talk about WWE on FOX's studio show.

This week, The Miz was the guest on WWE Backstage and after he made a joke about 'changing the culture' - a joke that plays on a comment CM Punk once made - Punk responded using Twitter.
"Go suck a blood money covered d**k in Saudi Arabia you f***ing dork," he posted and the quickly deleted.
Ironically, Punk was the one giving Seth Rollins advice a few weeks back about staying off Twitter.
There's not known to be any long-lasting heat between the pair from their time in WWE and they worked together pretty frequently. It will probably be put down to harmless fun, albeit pretty vicious.
Regardless, Triple H was asked yesterday what his feelings were on a CM Punk and AJ Lee - his wife - returning to WWE action and The Game was pretty receptive.
“I don’t think that’s ever been a factor of someone saying ‘well, this person should be or this person should be’ – talent, incredible talent, are always incredible talent. But there’s so much more to the business than just being a talented performer. Again, I could fantasy book and say I want to be young again, but that ain’t going to happen either [laughs].
“In a perfect world, sure. I think you’ve heard [chairman Vince McMahon] echo that statement a million times over the years – never say never. You see people come in and out, performers and talent. If it’s right for fans and everyone else business wise then it’s something that can happen. But, if it’s not, then it can’t.”